The Jelly Sea
The Jelly Sea
Tricksy Otters
Tricksy Otters
Baby Turtle
Baby Turtle
Watercolor Textures
Watercolor Textures
The Jelly Sea
The Jelly SeaA painting from 2011, acrylic on canvas 24" x 36"
Tricksy Otters
Tricksy OttersCommissioned piece for the retirement of a marine mammal handler at the Seattle Aquarium. Watercolor and colored pencil.
CJA portrait of a beloved service dog to commemorate his passing. Watercolor and colored pencil on paper.
Baby Turtle
Baby TurtleBaby sea turtle. Ink and watercolor. 
Watercolor Textures
Watercolor TexturesVariety of animal textures. Watercolor on paper.
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